
Zakah Purifies Your Wealth

Zakat is one of the most essential duties of a Muslim; it is the third pillar of Islam. Zakat purifies your wealth and brings barakah.  Allah (SWT) appreciates and rewards the one who gives Zakah.  Zakat is farz on all the Muslims, who have more than they need. Whoever has more wealth than Nisab is ordered to give Zakat to the poor and needy. 

By donating Zakat, you provide financial assistance to the poor and needy and promote social justice and equality among all people. 


Zakat is not a charity, but poor and needy people’s right on rich people’s wealth, and this right is given by Allah SWT. It is a reminder that we are all responsible for each other’s well-being and must come forward with financial help to our Muslim brothers and sisters in need. This helps to build a better society where everyone has access to essential resources and services regardless of social or economic status. Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. Zakat comes from the Arabic word Zakah and means purification, cleanliness, blessing, growth, etc. It is also brings barakah to your wealth.  Allah (SWT) appreciates and rewards the one who gives Zakah.  Zakat is farz on all the Muslims, who have more than they need. Whoever has more wealth than Nisab is ordered to give Zakat to the poor and needy. 

What is Nisab?

Nisab means the minimum value of wealth a person should own for them to be eligible for paying Zakat. The eligible person must give 2.5% of his total savings and wealth above a minimum amount known as Nisab. There are two measures to determine Nisab – gold 3 ounces or 87.48 grams, or silver 21 ounces or 612.36 grams, or its cash equivalent. Zakat-eligible wealth is cash on hand and in banks, stocks, and retirement and savings funds. Zakat is not paid on wealth used for debt repayment of living expenses such as food, clothing, housing, health, education, transportation, etc. Gold and jewelry are not exempt from Zakat and their worth should be factored into total yearly savings.

Who is eligible to give Zakat?

Zakat is also a form of Ibadah, but it’s not Farz for everyone. When you are a free adult man who owns a Nisab amount of wealth or property, Zakat is farz on you. Some more conditions are there that will make you eligible for Zakat. Let’s know them.

  • Whether you are a man or woman, the first condition is you have to be free (not a slave) 
  • You have to be an adult to pay your own Zakat. But if you are not yet an adult but have enough wealth, your parents or guardian has to pay Zakat on your behalf,
  • You have to be a sound mind and a healthy person. Zakat is not farz from an insane or mentally disabled who can’t manage himself. But according to Imam Malik, an insane is also eligible for Zakat if he meets other criteria.
  • You should have a minimum Nisab amount of wealth or property. If you have debt, cut the debt amount from the total wealth and count.
  • To pay Zakat, you should completely own your wealth or property. For example, if you have some wealth, but you can’t spend them as you want and have to take permission to spend them, Zakat is not farz on you. For example, loans on wealth.
  • If you have Nisab amount wealth for 11 months, not a whole year (12 month), Zakat is not farz on you. You should have the Nisab amount of wealth for one lunar year to give Zakat. 

Who Should Receive Zakat?

Allah SWT has made Zakat farz on an eligible person and ordered to distribute it among the poor and needy to build a society where everyone can access essential resources and live without fear of hunger or poverty. Every human is equal to Allah, and he wants us to maintain this equality in our society. So, it’s essential to give the Zakat to the right person. And Allah ST has mentioned eight categories of people eligible to receive Zakat in the Holy Quran (Surah Tawba-Ayat 60). 

  • To the poor who struggle to live and are eligible for Zakat (al-fuqarâ’)
  • To the indigent who can’t fulfill their basic needs (al-masâkîn)
  • Zakat administrators who distribute Zakat to the right hands.
  • Helping a new Muslim. 
  • Who is in debt but unable to repay it.
  • To free a slave and help him to stand on his feet.
  • To the pedestrian who is traveling for Islam.
  • For the sake of Allah. 

How Benefits for Ummah Use Zakat for Social Well Being

Benefits for Ummah Inc will use the Zakat fund to make better lives for the poor and needy people. 

We will use your Zakat-

  • To distribute basic necessities items to those who can’t afford them.
  • To care for an orphan, his living, education, and other needs.
  • Need urgent money for medical care.
  • To someone who has lost financial stability and is unable to stand on his feet to start a business or make a living,
  • For women who don’t have a guardian to take care of.

By donating Zakat, you provide financial assistance to the poor and needy and promote social justice and equality among all people. 

When is Zakat due?

Zakat is due after one Lunar (Hijri) year starting from either the first day you acquired the amount of Nisab or the day you paid Zakat last year. The month of Ramadan is considered to be the best time to pay Zakat for better reasons.

Pay Zakat and Help

Your Religious Dues Make A Bigger Impact On Someone’s Life, So please pay your religious dues and help Benefits for Ummah mission.