
Sadaqah is an Ever-Flowing Charity

Sadaqah, Muslims can contribute to their community and work towards achieving the goal of social justice. So, with your support, we can make a difference. Benefits for Ummah is helping poor families achieve economic independence to break the vicious cycle of hunger and poverty. We will ensure your Sadaqah is going to the right hand. 

  • We will sponsor orphan kids fulfilling their basic needs.
  • We will help to build a home for the homeless.
  • We will provide capital to poor start a business.
  • Will invest in women who are victims of violence.
  • Construct orphanages, madrasas, schools, hospitals, etc.

What is Sadaqah?

Sadaqah is an act performed by people with the goodness of their hearts to help other people in need seeking the pleasure of Allah, not expecting any appreciation from people.  It’s advised to give Sadaqah in secret. In Al Quran, Allah SWT says, “giving Sadaqah publicly is not forbidden, but when you give Sadaqah to a poor privately, that is better for you; in the day of judgment Allah SWT will forgive your sins secretly without revealing others just like you did today. 

What is Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah is also known as an ever-flowing charity that keeps benefiting the giver even after he dies.  In Quran, Allah SWT says- after death, all the paths of the deed cease except three, Sadaqah Jariyah, knowledge, and righteous child. These three things will bring blessings for you even after you are no longer on this earth. Some form of Sadaqah Jariyah.

  • Building a source of clean water,
  • Funding a madrasa, school, mosque,
  • Construction health care center, orphanage,
  • Taking responsibility for an orphan, widow,
  • Helping the poor with education,

What are the types of Sadaqah?

Sadaqah involves giving away something of value that can be used to improve the quality of life for someone else. Sadaqah is not only about physical or monetary; it can be anything that enhances others’ life; even a kind word or a smile is a form of Sadaqah.

Some forms of Sadaqah are-

  • Helping people in need with money, food, and clothing,
  • Helping relatives and neighbors with money, food, and clothing,
  • Funding or supporting schools, Madrasas, Orphanages, old age homes,
  • Contributing to the construction of the mosque, library, hospital,
  • Planting trees, water taps, and sitting/resting spaces for travelers, trespassers,
  • Showing the path to travel or making a path for trespassers,
  • Cleaning debt or lending money,
  • Taking responsibility for an orphan, widow,
  • Helping the poor with livelihood, education,
  • Being happy in other happiness

Benefits of Giving Sadaqah

It is important to remember that helping with Sadaqah is not only beneficial for the recipients themselves – it also contributes to the overall community spirit and helps build bridges between people from different backgrounds. There are many ways to get involved and make a difference, and there is no wrong or right way – just a way that will suit your specific needs and interests. So, whatever you can do, go ahead, and give it a try!

  • Sadaqah purifies wealth, repels illness, and prevents calamity.
  • Helps people to fulfill their basic needs.
  • Lighten up the burden of debt, freeing up a slave.
  • Sadaqah Jariyah brings continuous reward till the earth exists.
  • It cleans our hearts, brings peace and happiness,
  • It saves us from hellfire and will give us shadow from the sweltering heat on the day of judgment.

How Benefits for Ummah Use Your Sadaqah?

 By giving Sadaqah, Muslims can contribute to their community and work towards achieving the goal of social justice. So, with all your support, we can make a difference. We will ensure your Sadaqah is going to the right hand.

  • We will sponsor orphan kids fulfilling their basic needs and good education.
  • We will help to build a home for the homeless,
  • We will provide capital to poor start a business,
  • Will take responsibility for poor kids, such as their education,
  • Will help the ill who can’t afford treatment.
  • Will invest in women who are victims of violence.
  • Construct orphanages, madrasas, schools, hospitals, etc.

So give Sadaqah provide relief and support to those in need. Benefits for Ummah is helping poor families achieve economic independence to break the vicious cycle of hunger and poverty.

Donate and Help

Your Sadaqah Make a Bigger Impact On Someone’s Life, So please Donate and help.