
Fitrana or Zakat ul Fitr

Fitrana of Zakat ul Fitr is a charitable donation of food or money that must be given before Eid ul Fitr prayer, before the end of the month of Ramadan for the love of Allah (SWT). Fitrana must be given by every self-supporting adult Muslim who has food in excess of their needs, on behalf of themselves and their dependent family members.

Pay Fitrana and Help

Your Religious Dues Make A Bigger Impact On Someone’s Life, So please pay the dues and help us.

What is Fitrana?

Sadaqatul Fitr, also known as Fitrana or Zakat ul Fitr, is a form of charity that stems from the Zakat (the third pillar of Islam). It is focused on the community’s welfare. It is not only a great way to practice charity, but it also fosters unity among the Muslim community.

All eligible Muslims must give Fitrana when Eid to thank Allah SWT for all his blessings. Fitrana is used to provide food and meals amongst the less fortunate before the salah of Eid-ul-Fitr so that all can celebrate Eid in a good way.

Who is Eligible to Give Fitrana?

Every Muslim enjoying excess food is eligible to give Fitrana. Whether the Muslim is a slave or a free man, an adult or a kid, a man who performs fasting in Ramadan and who does not, all must give Fitrana.

It’s recommended to give your own fitrana by yourself, but if it’s about a family, the head of the family will give a fixed amount of Fitrana for all the family members under his responsibility.

Who is Exempted from Paying Fitrana?

Fitrana is compulsory for each Muslim who can afford more than his needs. If you are a Muslim who is struggling and still unable to arrange the essential food for yourself and your family, you are exempted from paying Fitrana.

You don’t have to pay the Fitrana of you and your family, and you can also receive Fitrana from eligible Muslims to improve your life. 

Who Deserves Fitrana?

People who can’t afford a one-time good meal deserve the Fitrana most; the needy, poor, new Muslims, travelers, and zakat collectors and all the eight categories of people who deserve Zakat can receive Fitrana. But you should give priority to the ones who need the food most, not the capital for starting a business or livelihood. 

There are some people who don’t deserve Fitrana, yet they are needy and poor. Those peoples are non-Muslims, who don’t follow Islamic rules, and who are against Islam. The main goal of paying Fitrana is to celebrate Eid after a long month of fasting; those who don’t celebrate Islam don’t deserve the Fitrana.

What is the Fitrana Amount?

Our prophet Muhammad SAW has said to give one Saa of staple food as Fitrana for each man. One Saa means four madd or 3.5 KG. The staple food can be rice, barley, dates, wheat, etc. You can give any of these staple foods depending on your ability.

However, if you want, you can distribute money instead of food as well. Find out the cost of 3.5 KG staple food; dates are costly, but rice, wheat, and barley are not. So, choose any of the staple food, calculate its 3.5KG cost, and distribute it to the deserving people or organizations who will do the work on your behalf of you. 

When to Give Fitrana?

The best time to give Fitrana starts from the evening of the last fast of Ramadan when the Eid moon has shown up till the Eid prayer is the time of Fitrana. Some scholars also stated that Fitrana can be paid after the 27th of Ramadan but must be paid before the Eid prayer.

Our prophet Muhammad SAW has said, “if the Fitrana is given before the Eid prayer, it’s considered as Zakah, and after the prayer is considered as regular Sadaqah. According to Anas Bin Malik,” all the fasts of Ramadan will hang between heaven and earth until the Fitrana is paid.”

Let’s Make a Difference with Benefits for Ummah

Fitrana is a universal Muslim obligation. It is an excellent act of charity that is meant to help those in need and help alleviate poverty. And the Benefits for Ummah work on that on behalf of you.

We collect Fitrana from different corners of the world and distribute them to each corner of the world, especially the most deserving countries like those who are in poverty, war-torn, faced with most natural calamities, etc. 

With your support, we will distribute staple foods, Eid special food, new clothes, and other Eid necessities and financial assistance to make the Eid occasion even more special for the poor and needy people. 

Pay Fitrana and Help

Your Religious Dues Make A Bigger Impact On Someone’s Life, So please pay the dues and help us.