
Ramadan Food Package Program

Got the truck load of Ramadan supplies!


Moving forward for the welfare of world humanity, Benefits for Ummah‘s “Ramadan Food Package for Poor and Needy Families” has been started. Got the truck load of supplies. We are a volunteer based charity organization and with your support and cooperation we are trying to stand by the needy and poor people.  

Food package for a family included 10 different Items including Rice, Chickpeas, Cooking oil, Onions, Potato, Lentil, Rice Flakes, Sugar, Dates and Pupped Rice.

May Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala accept all our members and donors and give us the ability to extend the hands of humanity.

Friday March 17 we started packaging. Distribution ran from Saturday March 18th till March 25.

Alhamdulillah! With your help we were able to meet our goal for the Ramadan food packages program and distributed to 350 families. Alhamdulillah, We completed the distributions. May Allah reward you and your family for your donation to feed the poor and needy in the blessed month of Ramadan.