
Orphan Support and Child Protection

Every child has the right to get a healthy environment for physical, psychological, social, and emotional development. But an orphan doesn’t get that environment and suffers from each basic human need.

They have to struggle to eat 3 times a day, lack of protection & healthcare, don’t get the chance to get an education and have to be child laborers or get married at an early age. All their dreams are just left as a dream; most of them don’t get the chance to prove themselves and touch the destination they dreamt of!

There are around 150+ million (WHO) such children (orphans) in this world. The number of capable people who can take responsibility for these orphans is also not less.  With your support, orphans suffering from poverty can overcome their financial problems and live better lives.

What does Islam say About Orphans?

Usually, a child under 18 years without parents (both father and mother) is called an orphan. But Islam declared the child an orphan from the time he lost his father’s hand from his forehead, even though his mother is alive. Because the father is the one who takes and manages responsibilities, especially financial responsibilities like fulfilling his basic need to live.

A mother alone won’t be able to manage all these, so as soon as a child loses his father, he is an orphan. So, a kid without a father or mother or both is an orphan. And being called an orphan is not shameful; our Rasul SAW was also an orphan.

Allah has said in Quran to shower extra love and care on orphans and promised Jannah to the people caring for them. Orphan has the first right on Zakat and charity, and Allah also said to give enough dignity along with support and never neglect an orphan.

Reward Of Islam for Supporting Orphan

Allah SWT has mentioned the word “orphan” in Quran more than 25 times, talking about the rights of orphans and the reward of supporting them.

  • Rasul SAW said that the house is the best one where orphans are well treated, and Allah SWT will fill that house with blessings. It doesn’t only mean you have to keep an orphan in your home; making the arrangement for an orphan living also holds the same value. So, if you sponsor an orphan and pay for their living, you will enjoy the same reward of keeping and caring for an orphan in your own home.
  • Rasul SAW also said when you feel heavy in your heart go and feed the poor or pat your hand on an orphaned head. This will soften your heart.
  • As we know, there is some Sadaqah that doesn’t only bring blessings when you are alive but also after your death. Just like our child is a medium of Sadaqah Jariyah, supporting an orphan is also the same. When you take responsibility for a child or donate even a minimum amount to secure his life, you get a right to him, just like your child. And on his every good deed, you get a reward as you get from your child.
  • How about getting a chance to live with our beloved Rasul Muhammad SAW? Is there something more precious you get than this? Nothing right? So hear the promise of the Rasul SAW, “The person who patted an orphan’s head will get the reward of doing one good deed for each hair his hand passed. He also stated, “That person will live with me in Jannah just like two fingers in a hand.”

How Benefits for Ummah Helping Orphans?

  • We ensure your donations reach the orphan children who really need support.
  • We give the right to every child to live where they want. If they want, they can live with their mother or someone who can take good care of them.
  • We provide them with food and living but also support them in capable of earning and living a better life.
  • We ensure orphans are receiving all the rights they deserve.
  • We keep in contact with parents, guardians, and school/madrasa to check the well-being of the children.
  • We send the money as per agreement and monitor their curriculum.
  • We give extra attention to orphans obtaining a proper education.
  • Most orphans feel neglected, so we arrange social activities that help to improve the child’s physical, mental, and social well-being.
  • We also arrange seasonal interventions in Ramadan, Qurbani, and Udhiya Programs and send special gifts on special occasions.
  • Without your support, it’s not possible for us to help so many orphans, so donate and help Benefits for Ummah Inc, the mission to support orphans; Allah will give you better rewards as he promised in Quran.

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