
Share the Joy of your Newborn

Aqeeqah through Benefits for Ummah Inc, you can share the blessings and joy of your newborn with the poor, needy, and orphans. 

  • We will sacrifice the Aqeeqah animals on your behalf with our best intentions under our volunteer supervision.

  • We comply with Islamic traditions and ensure the meat reaches the right hands.

  • We can arrange a feast on your behalf for the poor and orphans.

What is Aqeeqah?

Alhamdulillah! on getting one of the most precious blessings of your life!

Aqeeqah is an Islamic tradition we Muslims perform to express gratitude to Allah (SWT) for the blessing of having a child. It’s also a celebration of welcoming a new life and sharing happiness with family, friends, and others.

What actually Aqeeqah is? Aqeeqah is a mix of some performances like shaving a child’s hair, sacrificing livestock, giving a good name, distributing meat and money among the poor, arranging a feast for family and friends, etc.

Is Aqeeqah Obligatory?

No, Aqeeqah is not obligatory/Farz; it’s the sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (Saw). It means if you don’t perform Aqeeqah (afford or not), there won’t be any sin on you. But it’s highly recommended to perform if you can afford it.

When Should You Perform Aqeeqah?

Usually, Aqeeqah is advisable to perform on the 7th day of the child’s birth by his parents or guardian. If it’s not possible on the 7th day, do it on the 14th or 21st days. You may perform the Aqeeqah until the child becomes mature if that is not possible.

Some scholars say you can perform your own Aqeeqah if it’s not yet done by your guardian or parents. Our prophet Muhammad (Saw) mentioned, “Every newborn child is mortgaged to his `Aqeeqah.” So, it’s important to perform Aqeeqah to be free of the mortgage before you die. So, the time of Aqeeqah sustains until the person dies.

How to Perform Aqeeqah?

Aqeeqah is a sunnah (Mu’akadah). So how did our prophet Muhammad (Saw) perform Aqeeqah?

  • If your child is a baby boy, you need to sacrifice two sheep or goats, and if a girl, then one is enough. But if you want, you can increase the number of animals depending on your affordability.
  • Trim your child’s hair for purification, weigh the shaved hair, and donate the same weight of gold or silver among the poor people if you can afford it. You can also donate money valued at golden or silver.

Which Animals Can You Sacrifice for Aqeeqah?

Our prophet Muhammad (Saw) had slaughtered two compatible animals for each of his beloved grandsons, Imam Al-Hasan, and Imam Al-Hussain, and said to slaughter one animal for a girl. However, it is not like you must sacrifice only sheep for Aqeeqah. You can also use animals like lambs, goats, camels, and cows.

But you must ensure a few things-

  • If the animal is a lamb, it must be aged more than 6 months.
  • If it’s a goat or sheep, it should be aged more than 12 months.
  • Cow or buffalo must be more than two years.
  • Camels should be aged a minimum of 5 years.
  • You can’t sacrifice any ill or unhealthy animals. It must be free of any diseases, including broken teeth or horns.

Can I give Sadaqah Instead of Performing Aqeeqah?

If you can’t afford to sacrifice animals, there is nothing to worry about; Islam is easy; you can offer what you can give as a sadaqah. 

If you don’t have enough money to sacrifice animals, donate a small amount to needy people whose hands will pray for your newborn child.

How Benefits for Ummah Can Help You?

The Benefits for Ummah’s goal are to help the ummah and share the blessing and happiness among them.

  • We will sacrifice the Aqeeqah animals on your behalf with our best intentions under our volunteer supervision.
  • We comply with Islamic traditions and ensure the meat reaches the right hands who are really needy, poor, widows, orphans, the disabled, etc.
  • We can arrange a feast on your behalf for the poor and orphans.
  • All the work will be done under Benefits for Ummah volunteers’ supervision.

By offering your Aqeeqah through Benefits for Ummah Inc, you can share the blessings and joy of your newborn with the poor, needy, and orphans. By reaching the Aqeeqah meat or donation to the right hands, we are just becoming a way to help people and bring lots of duaa for your newly born child and you.

Pay for Aqeeqah

Your Religious Dues Make A Bigger Impact On Someone’s Life, So please pay the dues and help.